HR ADVICE at the RIGHT PRICE (e-book)


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Small business owners are feeling the pain of Human Resource (HR) compliance. Australia’s IR system is broken. Employers feel powerless. After almost 20 years as a HR professional, Kearin Lowry is paving a new path for small business owners. Her simple system of selection – no lockin, inflexible, fixed-term contracts, no stand over scare tactics from salespeople, and no consulting fees, will empower you to choose the right HR Services suppliers for you.

A complex IR system, limited government support, and the potential of big fines has started a wave of overpriced, underperforming HR suppliers in Australia. If you worry about getting ripped off now is your chance to assess if you are getting what you need, for the right price.

Kearin Lowry will help you save money, save time, and feel empowered to make informed HR decisions. “I honestly believe that Australian business owners are looking for a HR compliance solution that makes business sense, so I have written it.”


HR Advice E-book


This book has been written to support small business owners in Australia.

To answer questions like – “how can this be so hard?” “why does HR cost so much?” and “what do I need to do to make this easier?”

I understand completely the frustrations because I am a small business owner too. I have employed a handful of people in my business and know the paperwork and Fair Work requirements take time; time that takes me away from my core business.

I have also spent the last 6 years as a
HR services consultant answering the questions and concerns of small business owners daily.

Small business owners are stressed, frustrated, and in some cases, feeling completely helpless when it comes to HR. Their frustrations are borne out of several areas. The first being an incredibly complex industrial relations system.

The system itself is broken, but that is an entirely different book. If you are not a small business owner who also has expertise in HR, then this book will help you navigate the IR system and ensure you take the necessary steps to manage your HR lawfully, without you paying any more than you need to.

Preface & Chapters

7 Chapters

35 Pages

Chapter 1

Experience on Your Side

Chapter 2

It’s ok to say, NO

Chapter 3

The Solution for Small Business

Chapter 4

A Solution that Works Together

Chapter 5

Making a Change

Chapter 6

Help is at Hand

Chapter 7

Beyond HR Compliance

The more time I can save you the more time is left for you to focus on your business

Kearin Lowry

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HR Advice E-book

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